Kimberly Burke
Software Engineer
Front End Developer & Technical Lead
About: Client request to transform the UBC neuroscience course into a mobile video game for students to use for learning and reviewing. First two chapters cover neuroanatomy by flying a nanorobot through target brain and spine structures.
Type: 3D Mobile Education Game made with Unity C#
Tim-frame: January 2019 - August 2019
Role: Front End Developer & Technical Lead​
Prototype gyroscope controls and joystick controls
Program all menu UI and UI managers
Program all sound design
Implement back end MySQL database for account credentials and score saving
Implement PHP communication between database and Unity Web Forms
Publish game on iOS App Store and Android Playstore
Collaborating with teammates to understand code design system made by another
Designing a game experience for both medical student user group and casual gaming user group
The benefits of pair programming and creating custom automation for Unity editor to reduce grunt work
Experimenting with gyro and virtual joystick controls